If you set a response url at your lead list notifications, the system will call this url on every keyword texting to this lead list.
- When a mobile phone text a keyword to the lead list and a response url is supplied, then the response will be sent to your response url with http GET method with the following parameters:
Parameter Name
Value |
Description |
list_id |
Lead list Id |
The lead list id that got the response |
mobile_number |
Mobile number |
The mobile number that text the keyword |
keyword |
Keyword |
The keyword that the mobile text |
data (optional) |
Additional Text |
Additional text that the mobile number text after the keyword. (This parameter will supply only if there is an additional text) |
If the lead list is assigned to the keyword PIZZA and you have the response url is set to: http://yourcompany.com/api.
When a mobile number texts PIZZA to the short code then the response url will be:
When a mobile number texts 'PIZZA Please call me now' to the short code then the response url will be:
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