This API allows you to use any application to create opt-in forms and submit the information to the appropriate opt-in list without having to log in to the advertiser's dashboard and create an opt-in page there.
Parameter Name (Case Sensitive)
Value | Description | Remarks |
user (mandatory) | Advertiser username | The advertiser’s username that matches the api_id | |
api_id (mandatory) | Advertiser Api Id | The advertiser’s api_id that matches the username | Can be generated from edit profile |
keyword (mandatory) | Keyword as shown on the contact list wizard (Together with short code i.e. "pizza (71441-US)" or "pizza (07860024024)") | The keyword that connected to the opt-in list | |
mobile (mandatory) | Mobile Number | Mobile Number to send | |
first (optional) | First name | The mobile number’s owner first name | |
last (optional) | Last name | The mobile number’s owner last name | |
gender (optional) | M or F | The mobile number’s owner gender | |
email (optional) | Email address | The mobile number’s owner email | |
birthDay (optional) | Birth Day 1-31 | The mobile number’s owner birth day | |
birthMonth (optional) | Birth Month 1-12 | The mobile number’s owner birth month | |
birthYear (optional) | Birth Year | The mobile number’s owner birth year | |
zipcode (optional) | Zip Code | The mobile number’s owner zip code | |
familyStatus (optional) |
1/2 1 - Single 2 - Married |
The mobile number’s owner family status | |
numOfKids (optional) | 0-10 | The mobile number’s owner number of kids | |
education (optional) |
1-5 1- Initial school 2 - Intermediate school 3 - College 4 - High school 5 - University |
The mobile number’s owner education | |
annualIncome (optional) | A number | The mobile number’s owner annual income | |
numOfCars (optional) | 0-5 | The mobile number’s owner number of cars | |
ownHouse (optional) | true/false | Indicate if mobile number’s owner is own a house | |
phoneMake (optional) | String | The mobile number’s owner phone make | |
phoneModel (optional) | String | The mobile number’s owner phone model | |
tag | String | A tag that will be attached to this mobile in this opt-in list | Opt-in list must be marked for “Enable Opt-in Tags ” in the opt-in list wizard |
userdefine1 | String | Value of the first custom field | Will be added to the user only if custom fields have been configured |
userdefine2 | String | Value of the second custom field | Will be added to the user only if custom fields have been configured |
userdefine3 | String | Value of the third custom field | Will be added to the user only if custom fields have been configured |
userdefine4 | String | Value of the fourth custom field | Will be added to the user only if custom fields have been configured |
userdefine5 | String | Value of the fifth custom field | Will be added to the user only if custom fields have been configured |
format | Xml/json | Optional for sending the parameters as xml file or json. If present then only values from XML/JSON will be used. | |
isJson | true/false | Set to true if need response in JSON format | Default is false |
Return Code
If the API succeeds, then it will return with status code 200.
If an error occurs or there is an invalid parameter, then it returns with status code 400 or 500 with an error message in the response.
If an optional parameter is invalid then the system ignores this parameter and the API continues as it was not supplied.
Example for XML:
XML File:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ApiId>api key</ApiId>
Example for JSON:
JSON File:
"user": "user",
"apiId": "apiId",
"keyword": "keyword",
"listId": "listId",
"mobile": "mobile",
"firstName": "firstName",
"lastName": "lastName",
"gender": "gender",
"email": "email",
"birthDate": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'",
"zipCode": "zipCode",
"familyStatus": "familyStatus",
"numOfKids": "numOfKids",
"userDefine1": "userDefine1",
"userDefine2": "userDefine1",
"userDefine3": "userDefine1",
"userDefine4": "userDefine1",
"userDefine5": "userDefine1",
"userDefine6": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'",
"userDefine7": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'",
"isJson": "true/false"
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