If you've already installed the kiosk app and forgot to connect it to the internet or if you'd like to change the internet connection, please follow these steps to disable the kiosk mode in the tablet:
- From the top of the tablet, do a swipe down gesture to see the tablet's menu. You may have to do this gesture twice in order to see the tablet’s menu.
- Select “Settings” or look for a gear icon to go to the tablet’s settings.
- Select the "Home" menu.
- Select "Launcher3" or any launcher in the tablet that isn't "SMS Kiosk" and then press the home button at the bottom of the tablet.
- The tablet will now act as a regular tablet. You may now connect it to the internet or change the internet connection.
- From the top of the tablet, do a swipe down gesture to see the tablet's menu. You may have to do this gesture twice in order to see the tablet’s menu.
- Select “Settings” or look for a gear icon to go to the tablet’s settings.
- Select "Wi-Fi."
- This will bring you to a new screen where you'll have to select your desired Wi-Fi connection from a list to connect to the internet.
- Once the tablet is connected to the internet, from the top of the tablet, do a swipe down gesture to see the tablet's menu. You may have to do this gesture twice in order to see the tablet’s menu.
- Select “Settings” or look for a gear icon to go to the tablet’s settings.
- Select the "Home" menu.
- Select "SMS Kiosk" and then press the home button at the bottom of the tablet. This will now lock the tablet into the kiosk mode.
You're all set. Have a blast!
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