Here is a step by step guide on how to send out a text message from your advertiser dashboard.
- Log in to your advertiser dashboard and under the "Features" tab click "Text Blast"
- The first thing you need to do is type your message out that you want to send. If you want to create a template with the message, type in a name for it in the ‘New Template Name’ box and click ‘Save as new’. You also have the option to select a previously made template and update it, delete it, or send it out as is.
- Below the message box is an explanation of merge tags, which are codes you can put in the message so that when, for instance, you’d like to address the mobile user by their first name, you’d type the tag ‘%FNAME%’ where you’d like their first name to appear. To the right is a reference table describing each of the different tags. If you do not have the information that corresponds with a merge tag that you’ve indicated in the message, nothing will appear.
First Name |
Last Name |
Gender |
Date of Birth |
%DOB% |
Email Address |
Phone Number |
Zip Code |
Current Date |
%DATE% |
- For instance, if you enter %DOB% and you do not have a particular mobile user’s date of birth, the user will not see the tag.
- After you type in your message, your next task is to decide where the message goes. Select which opt-in list(s) you want the message to go to. You can also add in a number to test the message or for whatever reason.
- You also have the option to post to your Facebook and Twitter Pages. If either of your accounts is not yet connected to your advertiser account, there will be a link to ‘Connect’. Click it and a pop-up window will prompt you to log in to your account and authorize that our platform has access to your page to post text message and coupon updates. You will be able to check ‘Post to my Facebook wall’ and ‘Post to my Twitter’ when you have clicked to connect for each.
- Lastly, you have the option either to send the message now in which case, upon submittal the message will be sent immediately, or at a scheduled time of your choosing.
- If you select ‘Scheduled’, the above boxes will show so that you may enter in the date and time that you would like to send out the message. Click the ‘…’ button if you would like to be taken to a calendar view to select the date. Messages will be sent out according to the time zone of your administrator account’s settings. You can change your advertiser account’s time-zone in the ‘Edit Profile’ section of your dashboard, under the ‘My Account’ column.
- Lastly, once you click the ‘Send’ button at the bottom, it will ask you to confirm. Make sure that you are sending the message to the proper opt-in list and that the scheduled time is correct before you click to confirm.
- Once confirmed, if your message is scheduled, you can view the status of the message in the ‘Scheduled Tasks’ section in the Advertiser dashboard, located under the ‘Manage’ column:
- As you can see above, the Scheduled Tasks area allows you to view, cancel, edit, and delete items that you have scheduled to be sent out in the future. Once the item successfully sends, it will no longer be in this section. The tabs allow you to view the items based on their type: the first tab is messages/coupons, then questionnaires, then polls, and last is mobile web pages. If you press ‘Cancel’ in the Action column, the status will change to ‘Cancelled’ and you have the option then to ‘Activate’ the coupon.
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